Tuesday, June 25, 2019



To be honest I am not sure if there is anyone still following this blog a year and a half after my last post! However, I want to give you all some closure and to let you know what has been happening, and where things are going now in regards to hills of books.

What's happened in my life since Jan 2018, well... so much! I have completed my dissertation and have graduated, I am now working. That first half of 2018 was a stressful and busy time of my life and to honest I am not surprise that blogging and book reviews were pushed to the side.

 Does this mean i have stopped reading? Not at all! I read more books in 2018 then ever, 225 books according to goodreads! My issue has been that instead of sitting down and enjoying books which were engaging, complex and well written, I have been reading the book equivalent of junk food. They are good when you are reading them, but are they memorable, and make you want to re-read them? No. There were some good books in 2018, don't get me wrong, just not many that made want to fan-girl over. So I am writing 2018's reading off as a version of a book slump.

The start of 2019 was slightly better. If you follow me on Instagram you will know that I started they year on a high, and devoured The Cruel Prince by Holly Black. Since then I have read very few physical books, or started any other 5 star series, only a few great sequels. That was until last week! T I canceled my Kindle Unlimited subscription, in an attempt to tackle my over flowing TBR shelves. In the last 7 days I have read a 4 star book (The Traitor's Game by Jennifer A Neilson) and a 5 star book (The Poppy War by R.F Fuang). This has sparked my love for books again, for reading them, for taking pictures of them, of reorganising them and talking about them. I am back.... in a semi-controlled way. Let me explain!

I am not returning to writing a blog, I don't have the time for that at the moment (maybe one day?). However, I will be back to writing reviews and reconnecting with the book community (see who has stuck around and meeting new people who have joined). So my twitter is getting a quick revamp, my instagram will continue with more frequent updates hopefully. All my review will be posted on Goodreads and posted on twitter and talked about on instagram, so if you want to keep up to date with what I am reading and reviewing follow me on:

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Hillsofbooks
Instagram: Instagram.com/hillsofbooks
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/5927158-deborah

This is goodbye from the blog but I hope to see you all over on social media!

Happy Reading!