Sunday, February 04, 2018

January Book Haul

Guys, I have gone a bit overboard this month!!
Firstly, I won this beautiful ARC copy The City of Brass! I can't quite believe it! I have heard some great things about this books so looking forward to getting to this one.
I also decided to do some #bookfortrade this month and have swap/bought three books. Some I can't wait to get stuck into, and some which  I have hear good things about months ago which I have been meaning to check out.
Finally, I went a bit crazy with January sales and got hooked into a couple of series so ended up buying eight books! I have read about half of these already, and am happy about my investments, but I am going to have to slow down my book buying this coming month.
My shelves are full, and by TBR grows, but what book have you bought this year so far?